Four Abortions

Posted: December 8, 2010 in Early Years, Infidelity
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In the beginning it appeared as though Jane was always straight with me about her past.  After all, she was upfront about being a stripper, drugs, and her two marriages.  She also told me about getting two abortions, one the result of a rape, the other her ex-husband forced upon her.

Mind you, I am not totally opposed to abortions.  I think all living beings have a fair shot at life.  However, if a woman feels that they are not ready to deal with all that goes along with carrying a child to term, I can live with her decision.  I don’t think woman should use abortion as birth control, but if they feel there is a need, then it should be their right…nuf said.

The rest of this story is speculation on my part.  I have no hard facts to backup my claims, just Jane’s history, some of which you may have read, and long hours of contemplation as I passed the endless hours of driving the last 15 years.  Please keep that in mind as you read this since I will tell it as though these are all actual events.

I received a call from my neighbor one day while I was at work.  She was a bit, um upset in the emotional sense.  “Jane started hemorrhaging,” the neighbor started, “she bled all over the carpet.  I called an ambulance and they took her to the hospital.  I did the best I could to clean up the blood…”  She continued for a few more seconds.  I told her not to worry about any mess; we would deal with it once everything else settled down.  Jane’s and my house was brand new, so that is likely why the blood in the carpeting was a big deal, even under the circumstances.

I do not remember what I was doing for an income at the time, but I don’t think I was driving truck because I was at the hospital before they really started to delve into the reason Jane started to bleed.  She was still in the ER and quite alert.  She told me that they did an ultrasound and it showed that she was pregnant.  That news came as a bit of a shock.  The rest of the conversation and events are a bit fuzzy except for one thing.  A doctor came in and started asking questions as he looked over her chart.  He asked, “So you have had four abortions?”  Jane answered yes then our gazes locked, both of us knowing what the other was thinking.

As I said before, she was upfront about her two abortions, not four.  I think I remember the doctor asking for more details about them and Jane never mentioned rape as the reason for any of the four.  I did what I always did back then, dismissed what just transpired and moved on with my life.  That is until things started to really go to shit in my life and I started playing events over in my mind to try and figure out what went so terribly wrong.

Jane was a bit loose with herself before we met.  Not something that I would hold against her normally.  However, she detested condoms.  I base this statement on this fact, I was kidding with her one time about using one, and she said, “If I wanted to get fucked by a rubber dick I would use a dildo!”  Jane loved sex, and she loved it all natural.  Because of this fact, I believe she used abortion as birth control before we met.  It was the first thing she told the technician when he told her she was pregnant with our second child, she was aborting is as soon as she could.

Jane told me early on that she could not get pregnant; I covered this in Early Lies.  Well she did get pregnant with our first son.  To make sure it didn’t happen again, she said that she would get her tubes tied; again, right after our first child was born.  I did not get to the hospital the day our first son was born until a couple hours after the fact.  Jane told me she was going down for a tubal in the morning.  When I arrived at the hospital the next morning, she said she just got back from surgery.  Now here she was, just over a year later and she was pregnant again.

Eventually she decided against aborting the child.  No pressure from me, I just told her if she was going to do it, it wasn’t because I asked her to.  I could not make that decision.  As much as I did not want to extend my time as a parent, I just could not make the decision to abort.  Jane could not either, at least not this time.  However, I think the reason she ended up in the hospital was because she knew she was pregnant and tried to abort at home.

She knew she should not be pregnant.  There was no way she could get an abortion without me knowing it.  She had no income and I watched every penny.  Sneaking off for an abortion and spending the kind of money it would take would never go unnoticed.  Finally, even though we just bought a house together, we still were not married.  I think she was worried that if I found out she was pregnant for the second time after getting her tubes tied I would never stick around.

Jane still claims to this day that it was my super sperm that broke through the barriers and impregnated her.  It is one of her favorite stories, how she was cut, burned, and tied, and somehow my super sperm over came all those obstacles and conquered.  I think, no I know she never did get her tubes tied, and at times I wonder if our first son really was a month premature.

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